
Hello there!

I’m Gaby Castro! I’m originally from Brazil, but am currently living in Los Angeles and pursuing a career in Interaction Design. My background as a back-end developer has provided me with logical problem-solving skills and the ability to understand the feasibility and viability of each potential solution. Although I enjoyed understanding and building the architecture behind each project, I craved being a part of the creative process of concept development.  More importantly, I enjoy working directly with people, understanding their problems, and helping them find creative solutions.   My Interaction Design skills now allow me to combine my past professional experience with my desire to work in an environment that is more human-centered.  I love working as part of a team and brainstorming with my teammates is my jam. As an interaction designer, I’m passionate about creating experiences with a focus on accessible design because I believe that everyone should feel welcome to play.   So reach out and let’s create something together!